Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The last Big Girls Bible Club met together on Saturday afternoon. Many of these girls have been learning from the Bible for over two years. We pray they will choose Jesus. They know enough to make a good decision. Today they heard the story of the Samaritan Woman. They learned how she went immediately to share the Good News with her village. We pray these girls will share the Good News with their village.
 Painting white Tee shirts

 Painting bread with colored milk, then toasting!

Easy and fun painted bread. Sylvia shows their finished products.



Floyd went off with Tyler to the local Catholic Church to lead a men's meeting. Due to some confusion, many ladies showed up as well. Floyd handled it well.
The ladies went to the YWAM church in my neighborhood and conducted the Pearls of Great Price Breast Cancer Awareness Program to 25 ladies. 
 Rani (left) came from the Children's Home to help with the little children. Nancy interpreted for us.
 The view

Thirty-five women learned how to share the gospel through the breast cancer awareness program.

 Distributing gifts and literature. 
Saturday afternoon, 14 neighborhood girls came for Big Girls Bible Club.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Tonight, we met with over 30 youth (ages 15-25) at Pastor MP's church. After singing, praying, and introductions, we divided into groups by gender. Virginia and Sylvia taught the girls, and Floyd taught the guys. All gave rapt attention to the speakers. All wanted to hear more. All were thrilled with gifts of home baked cookies and coke, necklaces, bracelets, and pens. Pray that these young people grow into godly young men and women making a positive difference for Christ in their communities.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Praise the Lord, Virginia, Floyd, Susan and Sylvia all made it safely WITH all their luggage! Thank you to all our PW's! Check back here for more photos of their time in the mountains! Please lift up our opportunities to share the love of our Lord:
WEDNESDAY: Travel by train and taxi to the mountains
THURSDAY: Prayer, planning, and rest
FRIDAY: Floyd with local pastor; Youth meeting
SATURDAY: Men's Meeting with Floyd; Ladies meeting; Big Girls' Bible Club
SUNDAY: Church, baptism; Children's Home
MONDAY: SJ Children's Ministry
TUESDAY: Mom's and Friends Bible Club; Floyd home visits with local pastor; dinner in home of local Pastor
WEDNESDAY: Ladies meeting; Floyd with local pastor
THURSDAY: Floyd men's meeting in SJ
FRIDAY: Ladies' meeting in SJ; Floyd with local pastor
SATURDAY: Local Trip; pack; my good-bye party
SUNDAY: Return to Delhi -Help me say good-bye to this area and my almost three years here
TUESDAY: Team flies out to the US; I fly to Malaysia